Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Visit

Two gentle souls came to my backdoor this morning. How could I resist, but to offer them a kind word and my friendship.
"Never Refuse Any advance of friendship,
for if nine out ten bring you nothing,
one alone may repay you."

-Madame de Tencin


Barb said...

Oh, what adorable "quackers" !
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

how sweet! My mom's place a a creek that runs through it, and a pair of mallards nests there every year. So fun to watch them. I think having a few birds around to eat the bugs would be good- maybe those funky chickens with the "furry" legs??

Donna Roberts said...

This is precious! Our family had a mallard duck we named Clyde years ago. He ran all over the place with his "mother" (our Austrailian Shepherd, Snickers) and "barked" at cars coming and going on our gravel road. Over time, Clyde got too adventurous and began wondering into the weeds. One day he didn't return. But his legacy lives on. Our neighbors and friends remember Clyde the Watch Duck who would threaten them with his flapping wings and excited little quacks as they drove by, being careful not to hit him. Thank you for sharing your morning. God Bless!

Barbara said...

Hi Tracy,
I love your very cool borders around your lovely photographs. A question - I am in the process of doing a blog on blogspot, but in setting up the page I never saw where I could have a purple background...any chance you could tell me how you did it? Thanks, Barbara

Carla Sonheim said...

So sweet!

And you've been tagged!