This summer, an absolutely treacherous
heat has gripped the Plains of the
MidWest, completely refusing to
let go.
This has me and every other
living creature hiding indoors,
somewhere... desperately trying
to find the coolest location in
the building, along with hoping
beyond hope that the air condition,
which is running non-stop, won't
decide to fail.
Although, this weather has
me hold up in my home with
all shades drawn, I find solace
spending my days tucked into
my studio located in the basement.
I have been trying not to think about
my poor garden withering under
the scorching sun, unable to even
get a break during the evening hours
as temperatures at midnight continue
to hover in the high 80s.
And I am also convinced that I
must be experiencing some sort
of nature withdrawal because
of the weather, when I suddenly
realized I have been inadvertently
creating what appears to be a
pseudo indoor garden by
surrounding myself with flowers.

I noticed this occurring phenomenon
late yesterday afternoon, when I caught
myself counting the number of flower
bouquets I have scattered about the
house and smiling every time I
walked past one of them.

I even found myself trying to whistle
(which is something I rarely do
because I am a terrible whistler)
during an assembly line session
of flower painting.
Then finally, believe-it or not I actually "cooed"

at seeing the vase of flowers on the
front cover of Art Girl's Guide
to Paris by Carmi Cimicata
as I opened the package.
(Just a Note.. this little book
is wonderful, colorful with
more of everything we love
to love about Paris inside,
including flowers)

making me this happy, I couldn't
resist sharing some of that FLOWER
POWER goodness with you!