The 100+ temperatures are a daily reminder of Summertime
upon the Plains. Even the hardiest folks tend to hibernate
during the day with window shades drawn and air conditioners
I, too, have sought shelter from the blistering heat by spending
these hours tucked away in my cheery basement studio, creating
a bit of magic with paint and canvas, working diligently to meet
several project deadlines.

I'm with you on the heat. I've been spending my time in the a/c... I'm also working on a blue Jay in oils...
These pieces are so cool. It almost looks like you've painted over glass and then laid the glass over paper...
I shudder to think of how miserable people were before a/c. Perhaps they were hardier than us. The typical 6 weeks of heat to hot to think is upon us and I am counting the days for it to pass. I love your birds.
Hi Tracie, I love the birds, and I really like how you frame them on your blog. Is that done with a program on your computer or photo shop. Or do you load them that way? It's been warm, well hot here too. But I'm sure it's worse where you are-I'M IN Maine. Mostly 90's here.
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