Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Capturing A Bit Of... La Dolce Vita

Dear Friends... I am eagerly counting down the days until I depart on a wondrous adventure to teach a week-long workshop in Orvieto, Italy.

Presently, I find myself in the "thick" of preparing for my travels, making lists of items I still need to purchase, gathering various sundry things, and always, always editing as I pack.  Today after placing all the workshop supplies and workshop goodies bags in one location, I carefully packed this precious cargo.  I tucked the treasured art examples I have to share with my students in my carry tote... but I could not put them away without snapping a few pictures to share. 

These artworks were all inspired by photos I took during various activities or daily happenings that I experienced while in Orvieto on my last visit - the angel face is part of the breath-taking sculpture on the exterior of the local cathedral, the plums were part of a beautiful arrangement in a big bin of colorful fruits and vegetables from open-air market day, and the flowers were a discovery I made in a far corner of the convent B&B rose garden.  

I am very excited to share my methods of painting, and mixed-media. And the best part is you don't have to know how to draw or paint... no special skills are required to be successful!

I am so grateful to Bill and Kristin Steiner of Adventures in Italy, for giving me this opportunity to guide others as they create their own memorable Italian Anthology of Artworks, and having the chance to immerse myself, once again, in the Italian culture, capturing a bit of La Dolce Vita.


Ruth said...

Thanks for the peek! It looks like it will be a great trep!

Unknown said...

Have a wonderful time in Italy.

Pilgrim said...

I am so excited to be a part of this group

Jane LaFazio said...

have a grand time!