It is has been SO EXCITING these last several days
to read all of the lovely comments left on my blog
regarding individual likes and some dislikes about
a particular season. There is still time to sign-up for
A Nature Inspired Giveaway. I will be selecting a
winner at random on Friday, August 19th, which is the
last day of the hot! Hot! HOT! Summer Giveaway
Speaking of the hot! Hot! HOT! Summer Giveaways
Don't miss out on winning some of the most creative
books, magazines and DVD workshops out there by
visiting each blog listed for that day. And if you missed
previous days then be sure to stop by those blogs and
leave a comment for more chances to win!
Wed August 10- Carla Sonhiem
Thurs August 11- Diana Trout
Fri August 12- Gloria Hansen
Sat August 13- Tracie Lyn Huskamp That's ME!
Sun August 14- Jane LaFazio
Mon August 15- Jill Berry
Tues August 16- Judy Coates Perez
Wed August 17- Kelli Nina Perkins
Thurs August 18- Lyric Kinard
Fri August 19- Melanie Testa

Finally, I am so humbled and grateful to say that so
many of you have already purchased copies of my
NEW! 2012 Nature Inspired Birds: Calendars. I am
taking orders for the less than 20 copies of Wall
Calendars I have left.

You will receive the Limited Edition Print shown at
the top of this post and be included in my Original
Art Giveaway, when you purchase. Details on how
to order are located in the right side margin of the