For me, lately, it has been all about the Sunflower.
Beautiful, bright rays of sunshine all packed into
this big flower. How can you not smile when you
gaze upon such a bouquet?
I love, Love, LOVE to decorate with fresh flowers
in my home. And in the Autumn months I am
always gravitating to the Sunflowers.
I hope to procure some Sunflower seeds, the ones
that produce the REALLY BIG heads, to plant
in the garden next year.

I love sunflowers, but I don't love that they signal the end of summer. Our birds are already checking out the seed heads. I see the stalks bending and 5+ finches and wrens gathered around the spent flower. Their jaws must be powerful to snag one of those seed out of that tight spiral. Enjoy your day.
I agree they are gorgeous! I only have one small one this year. I'd like to make room for more next year.
a bonus is the birds like them too.
Your paintings of the flowers are beautiful!
The paintings are beautiful! I love your winged things. Even the sunflowers seem to have wings. We sometimes get volunteers around our birdfeeder. Do they bloom later in your neck of the woods? They are always up mid-summer around here in SE Pa.
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