Then it surfaces... this overwhelming tug at my heartstrings, a deep yearning to create, to hold a paint brush in my hand or assemble objects together from pieces that might be considered ordinary to most individuals.
I feel that strong familiar longing to share my art... my soul, to encourage those around me to be brave and also follow their own passion.
I want to lead by example. I want to show someone that might be scared that IT IS POSSIBLE to live the life you dream of... SO, I pull myself from the depths towards the light of renewed purpose, charging headlong into the future, armed with only faith and trust to comfort me.
Right now, there are SO MANY Incredible, INCREDIBLE things happening... I feel as if I could burst.
Life is GOOD!
It is a busy time in the studio. I want desperately to soak up every moment of this euphoria, and bottle up the excess for a rainy day.
I have so much to share, such EXCITING NEWS, EXCITING EVENTS on the horizon... that for now, I must keep to myself. But I promise when I can, I will tell you everything... not holding back any detail.
However, there is one project I have been feverishly working on over the last several months, that is quickly coming to fruition. It involves the making of assemblages for my solo exhibit at Architectural Artifacts, located here in my hometown of Wichita.
I will be the guest artist during the once a month Final Friday Gallery Crawl. Architectural Artifacts is a MOST SPLENDID place with a beautiful upscale eclectic mix of art and furnishing. I could not be more pleased by an invitation to show my work!
Of course, each piece revolves around a subject that is near and dear to my heart... Nature. The focus of my works are the intricate, yet humble dwellings of birds.
So, if you are in the area, I would like to invite you to stop by on Friday from 5:30 to 9:00 for the opening reception. For those that might live a little too far away to attend, this is a small preview of several pieces that will be on display and for sale.

Tracie- your pieces are stunning!
Best of luck with the show. It's no surprise to me that good things are coming your way!
I love your art, I visit your blog everyday and I am so happy to see that you are living your dreams.
I will love to buy one of your nest pieces they are amamzing.
Good luck on the show.
dear Margarita...unfortunately blogger is not kind enough to give out email addresses... so I am writing you from my blog... hoping beyond hope that this message that I send out to the cosmic void will find its way to you.
thank you... thank you ... so very much for your visits.. I treasure and cherish all those that come across my path, and thank you ever so much for your kind words and encouragement...I truly appreciate those that leave comments here on my humble blog... I am blessed by the friendships that have begun with a single message.
I'll be there, Tracie... my spirit fluttering past you on the gentlest of breezes as I whisper in your ear, "I believe in you, sweet friend... Way to go!" Hugs, Shari
Your Nature pieces are so LOVELY!!!
Wish I could be there....and congrats on EveryThing in your art life!!!
Your nature pieces are so tasteful.
I admire you for having the incentive to follow your art dream.
Good Luck !
Congrats on being the guest artist during the once a month Final Friday Gallery Crawl!
Oh Tracie, I love your nests - I so wish I could be at your show - I hope it is all you wish it to be - Jan
You do such lovely work! I need to go find some nests!!
Oh Tracie!
Your nest assemblages are so beautiful!! I can't imagine that any of them will return from the show with you, but if they do, please let me know, as I would love to buy one.
Like Maija, I am not surprised that good things are coming your way. You certainly are deserving of such blessings!
These are such lovely pieces, Tracie Lyn. There is such a serene feeling to them...as if everything found in a perfect summer day has been collected together.
These nest and old book assemblages touch a chord in my heart. Beautiful work!
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