Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Saying Yes to a Dream

Our hopes and wishes... our dreams define us. They are the starting point for turning thoughts into actions. They hold the keys to our future, and bring joy to what could be a sometimes-mundane existence.

If you are like me, I am constantly dreaming.

But how do we decide what dreams to follow and which ones are merely passing fancies.

When I was young the world seemed full of possibilities. I remember every other week wanting to pursue a different profession... rock star, doctor, lawyer, actress, artist. As I moved through life, some dreams came true and others fell by the wayside. Although, not every dream turned into a reality, this did not stop me from continuing to ponder all the wonderful things I wanted to accomplish, to see, and do.

As I have settled more into myself, the world still seems full of possibilities. Yet, I have begun to embrace a different sort of dream, not the one of whom I want to be, but more of where I want to be. It is the dream of travel and experiences.

I often see myself sitting in a darkened classroom watching picture after picture flash upon a giant screen. Slides filled with images of exotic places and rich cultures. I long to be in the very presence of such great art, and architecture of ancient civilizations and cities.

Travel is so much faster, easier, and more accessible nowadays than it was for say.. someone like my grandparents, which makes me all the more hungry and eager to visit foreign lands and see them for myself.

What life lessons and valuable experiences would I take back with me. I KNOW it would be something much more precious than just a purchased souvenir?

I can only guess for now and dream what that might be, but what I suspect is that this precious gem is the culmination of moments spent with people. Sure it is great to see breathtaking landmarks and beautiful vistas, but to be able to share those awe-inspiring moments with like minds, like heart... well, priceless.

I am so excited about traveling to Italy; words cannot adequately describe my feelings. I dream of the INCREDIBLE individuals that will go with Marylin and myself on this journey, that would come along side us holding this same dream of travel and experiences inside them.

I dream about the personal moments I will be lucky enough to share with each and everyone on this trip... moments that will be made, reminisced, and remembered for the rest of our lives. This will be a chance to make lifelong friendships, eat, sleep, share art, and beauty, and the wonders of Orvieto together.

I believe in the power of dreams, doors open for us and we have to be bold enough to walk through them. Yes, travel can bit a little bit scary, sure it costs money, but the rewards are DEFINITELY worth my trouble and sacrifice of saving for such a chance to interact with this INCREDIBLE group.

And the best part is nobody has to go it alone... Bill, Kristin, Marylin and I encourage and invite every person to travel all the way there and back with us, if they so choose. We truly want to make sure each and every person gets as much personal assistance and attention through every step of this adventure.

Say Yes... YES, to this BEAUTIFUL, MAGICAL DREAM.. and Come... COME with us and EXPERIENCE the Wonders of Italy, of Orvieto! We will celebrate the joys of even the most simple and the most magnificent pleasures!

I JUST KNOW YOU are one of those INCREDIBLE individuals that we are longing to have travel with us!

Our dream is scheduled for mid May of 2009, and we are taking only a very, very small group, so as to create an intimate atmosphere that is both personal, and rewarding

Find out all the details, here.

Marylin and I would LOVE to hear from you, so please send us an email.

Lets start LIVING this dream together!


Anonymous said...

Ah, Italy... I'm sure you'll have a divine experience! For me, Italy is about food. Their food speaks volumes about their culture, heritage, history, and personality. Buon appetito!!

rivergardenstudio said...
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rivergardenstudio said...

How wonderful that you are going to Italy, and to teach! I love your blog and the way you frame your photo's. Thank you! Roxanne

Anonymous said...

I know you'll have an amazing time! Wish I was going!

rivergardenstudio said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and your lovely comments. I wish I could go to Italy with you, but my trip to France pretty much used up my money. I am so excited for you though. It is my dream to one day teach in far away locations as you do! If you have time one day, maybe you could share your story with me! Roxanne

rivergardenstudio said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and your lovely comments. I wish I could go to Italy with you, but my trip to France pretty much used up my money. I am so excited for you though. It is my dream to one day teach in far away locations as you do! If you have time one day, maybe you could share your story with me! Roxanne

Anonymous said...


That is so amazing that you share both the love of the most important man in your life and your art with your mother-in-law. I'm taking my MIL to France in a few weeks and I'm a little scared/excited. While I love her, it's not always been the easiest road to walk. So, I just wanted to tell you how lucky you are to have such a great relationship with you inlaws.

It was amazing to meet you at Art Unraveled, my new friend. I see us doing things together in the future, hopefully!
