Monday, May 14, 2012

Life Happening and Other Technical Difficulties

This past week Life was happening at rapid speed, all in preparation for celebrating some really wonderful events; two graduations on the same day in two different states (yes there was LOTS of driving involved), hosting a party to commemorate my husband's graduation with his Master's Degree... HIPHIP HOORAY!,  and, of course, Mother's Day.

I had blog posts scheduled and ready to publish, but alas technology had other plans. SO, I am playing a little catch-up this week, and still working on a few technical issues, like a disappearing blog header and side-bar pictures...sigh!  (NOTE:  Looks like the technical difficulties have been resolved... YEAH!)

This Sunday was a day dedicated to Mom!  Around here, the garden is also celebrating Mom. The bird feeders are busy busy with lots of mamas and babies.  I adore watching the little ones come to eat.  They flutter their wings about, twirling and dancing, vying for attention, begging for food and mama is always ready to oblige.


Jeannie said...

Congratulations to your hubby! That is a wonderful accomplishment. Aren't the baby birds feeding the cutest thing to watch?! Their enthusiasm is so captivating.

HollyM said...

Oh, your painting and pictures are wonderful! What kind of birds are they? We don't have it here.
Sorry about the blog problems. I thought I lost a month of posts last year. It took me the better part of weekend to find it and get it back. I know we should back it up but I haven't found directions yet that make sense to me!