1. Cut one piece of fabric approximately 8" x 6".
Paint one side with Valspar Chalkboard Paint (found at Lowe's Hardware)
2. When the paint is dry, fold a 0.5" edge on all sides
and stitch in place to keep the fabric from unraveling.
Also. trim the corners at a diagonal to keep excess
fabric from showing. Be careful not to cut any stitches.

3. Cut two larger pieces of fabric approximately 14" x 10".
4. Stitch the painted chalkboard fabric (black side
up) to the right side of one of the larger fabric pieces.
Position the painted fabric vertically 2.5" from the
bottom and centered horizontally on the larger fabric.
5. Place the two right sides of the larger fabric pieces
together and stitch. Remember to leave an opening to
turn the fabric and for stuffing the pillow with batting.
Once the pillow is stuffed, sew the opening shut.
6. Write your message on the pocket with
chalk and clean with water.
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