Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Final Count Down Is ON!!!

CHEERS to everyone!

I returned home from an
INCREDIBLE trip to Festival of Quilts
in Birmingham, England.

The time has passed so quickly these
last several weeks that I can hardly
believe we are only DAYS away from
September 1, and the official release
of my NEW BOOK, Nature Inspired.

Copies of the book arrived on the
doorstep the day before I left for the

And as the delivery driver carried box
after box through the door, tears began
to stream down my face.

Finally after bringing in the last one,
the driver turned to me and asked...
"What is inside all these cartons..books?"
I just smiled at him, then replied..."Yes".

Monday, August 31st is the last day I will be
accepting pre-orders for Nature Inspired
with details on how to purchase a copy located in
the right side margin of this post. Each book will be
autographed and comes with a Limited Edition print.

As an additional Thank You for pre-ordering,
you will be eligible to win 1 of 2 original
artworks shown in my July/August article in
Somerset Studio. So don't wait to be including
in this FABULOUS giveaway. Winners will be
chosen on the 1st.

Also some additional bits of information to pass
along, I have several beautiful friends helping me
celebrate the release with giveaways on their blogs.
Both Rebecca Sower and Bill & Kristin Steiner
currently have posts where you can leave a
comment for a chance to receive a free copy.
And friend, Kelly Rae Roberts, will also be
hosting a giveaway very soon.

Finally, I invite you to check out the Sept/Oct issue of
Cloth, Paper, Scissors on page 7 where Nature
received a glowing review from one
of the magazine's editors. Thanks CPS!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Traveler's Journal - My Beloved Britain

For the benefit of those that may not be part
of the Facebook network, I will also be sharing
my travel experiences here via this post. Please
stop by and visit daily to follow along on my
adventures through Britain.

Saturday, August 22nd - The Festival of Quilts has
been absolutely AMAZING... the best part...
my students, who are incredibly creative and
kind, just like my students in America. It
is wonderful to know that we are all of one
heart and one mind when it comes to art.
One more day in Birmingham and then starts
the long journey home.

Thursday, August 20th - Friday, August 21st -
Arrived in Birmingham to overcast skies but this did
not dampen my spirits as my student were eager and
excited to be experiencing the joys of painting and
embracing Nature in a whole new way.

Wednesday, August 19th - Camden Market
was a mix of Retro, Romance, Punk and HipHop,
all sorts of characters mixed, mingled, and shopped
in this huge open air market. The day ended with
a trip to Harrods, where I purchased some incredible
speciality teas. Leaving London is bitter sweet, as
I have so enjoyed my stay, but am anxious to arrive
at Festival of Quilts

Tuesday, August 18th - Explored the shops
of London, walking hither and yon, riding the
Tube/Subway to all parts of the city, purchased
exotic metallic papers in the Paperchase, examined
futuristic store windows of Selfridges Department
Store, and discovered two very charming treasures
in Daunt Books on Marylebone High Street.

Monday, August 17th - The day began with
a leisurely stroll through Buckingham Gardens. Like
a fairy tale, complete with enchanting black swans
as my guides, the lush green, winding path lead right
up to the front doors of the Queen's Palace. The
perfect ending to this most perfect day was watching
the sun set over Kensington Palace topped off with a
ride on the carousel.

Sunday, August 16th - As the plane landed
in London, I was able to experience the most glorious
sunrise from my window. Cool breezes and a light mist
greeted this weary traveler. After a long nap and a
hot shower, I walked Glouschester Road, wandering
through several of the local shops and soaking in the
atmosphere of South Kensington

Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Beloved Britain

Since last December, I have been pinching
myself, over thoughts that I would be
traveling to England in August.

My adoration and enchantment with this
country started when I was an adolescent.
Not only do I have ancestry originating
from both England and Wales, I was
completely swept away by the romance
and pageantry of the Royals, who seemed
to embody a sort of elegance, poise, and
grace, I longed for as an awkward teen.

And of course, who could resist the idea of
owning a castle and having a British accent?

Although this is not my first trip to Britain,
I travel under much different circumstances.
My last experience was good, but almost a
blur with the near frantic pace I was living.
A pace that left me with few, if any real
memories of my inaugural visit.

This time, however, I can hardly wait to savor
four glorious days in London, where I plan to
stroll Portabello Road Market, and shop at stores
like the Paperchase, Habitat, and Selvedge Dry Goods.

OH, and even take a jaunt by Buckingham Palace
to see the Queen... do think she might ask me to
tea?... probably not...nevertheless, I won't let that
get my spirits down!

After my days in London, I will be off to the English
countryside with it's pocket gardens, lush grasses,
and rolling hills, traveling by train to Birmingham
where I will teach at the Festival of Quilts. I might
even get to meet the very famous, Amy Butler, as
she is also teaching there.

I hope to be using Facebook to share my
adventures when I can find an internet connection,
so be sure to check it out and follow along.

And even though I will
be away, I am still
taking Pre-Orders for
Nature Inspired.

Details on how to purchase
a copy are located in the
right side margin of this
post. Each book will be
autographed and comes
with a Limited Edition print.

Also, as an additional Thank You for pre-ordering,
you will be eligible to win 1 of 2 original artworks
shown in my current article in Somerset Studio.
So don't wait to be including in this FABULOUS
give-away. Winners will be chosen on the book
release date of September 1st.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

ALL Unraveled

Everything comes up roses when you
spend time Unraveling Art and Fun!

Just see for yourself...
here, and here.
Oh, and don't forget... here!

Many thanks to our students
for a delightful week at Art

Thursday, August 06, 2009

The Top Ten

Less than a month now until the release
date for my new book, Nature Inspired.

I am SO giddy with excitement, yet not
without some butterflies too!!!
Last Saturday, I was lying in bed, almost
ready to fall asleep when I started thinking
about the book, then all of a sudden I started
giggling, which woke my husband up.

When he asked me about my outburst, I told
him that I was imagining the Letterman show,
and that David was on-stage belting out,
in his booming voice, the top ten reasons to
love Nature Inspired.

David's monologue made me smile BIG!, and I
thought it might be fun to share his Top Ten
List with you, so here goes....

#10 - Readers can paint, journal, and
scrapbook their most cherished nature

#9 - Discover great techniques for
constructing nature assemblages.

#8 - Make a unique Gathering Journal
for collecting and preserving botanical

#7 - Design gorgeous Beaded Necklaces
and Pendants you'll love wearing again
and again. And, who can resist jewelry?

#6 - Examine alternative methods for
bringing the beauty of the outdoors

#5 - There are super techniques to
solve those complicated nature
background conundrums.

#4 - Sketch/Draw nature images and
scenes from your own photographs.

#3 - Explore a sense of place, both
far away and in your own backyard,
with projects found in
Nature Inspired.

#2 - THINK of the Enormous
possibilities that abound when
creating art inspired by nature.

And the
..... (drum-roll PLEASE)

The Dedication:

"This book is dedicated to everyone who
has ever been inspired by the magnificent
beauty of nature and longed to capture a
little of its incredible splendor."

I am currently taking pre-orders for Nature Inspired
with details on how to purchase a copy located in
the right side margin of this post. Each book will be
autographed and comes with a Limited Edition print.

Also, as an additional Thank You for pre-ordering my
new book, you will be eligible to win 1 of 2 original
artworks shown in my current article in
Somerset Studio. So don't wait to be including
in this FABULOUS give-away. Winners will be
chosen on the book release date of September 1st.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Artfest 2010!

Now that August has arrived, it is time,
once again, for the unveiling of another

This year, Marylin and I are THRILLED to
be returning to Fort Worden and will be
teaching not just one, or two, but ALL
days of the retreat in 2010.

Each workshop we are offering is
new and/or exclusive to Artfest

On Thursday, returning for a second
year is Of Nested Visions. It debuted
in 2009 and was a GIANT SUCCESS!
This will be your only opportunity to
take this class, as we will only be
offering it at Artfest in 2010.

Below is a testimonial from a student in
our workshop last year:

"I am so happy to see you teaching again
at AF - they are blessed to have you. I must
say that my time in your class last year was
a blast and if anyone reading this is even
remotely considering going and taking the
class - DO IT ! I came away with a fun project
that is proudly displayed in my dining room.
(I was actually able to finish two - a matching
set) and i must say, i love how they turned out
- with many thanks to you for your inspiration.
Thanks to both of you for a fun and laughter
filled day. "

Then on Friday and Saturday, we have
two BRAND NEW workshops making
their GRAND entrance!!!

On Friday, we are hosting Technicolor
. For anyone interested in
sketchbooks, journaling, writing, learning
SUPER techniques for turning your
photo images into LUSH, COLORFUL
, then THIS...
is the class for you.

Each and every student will receive an
11x14 brown packing paper journal/sketchbook
to take home with them... Now I ask you,
what could be better than THAT?

And finally on Saturday in our workshop
Between the Lines, we will explore
and unravel the mysteries of creating stunning
landscapes using texture mediums and paint.

If you have ever looked out across the horizon
and longed to capture such breath-taking visions
as a painting, in your sketchbook or journal, then
come join us. This is the WONDERFUL opportunity
to explore basic design principles, various mediums,
and nature all rolled into one FABULOUS class.

workshop to help you wrap up
a week of Artfest fun!

Teesha's made a slight change to the signup process.
You can send in your registration NOW. Then on
September 5, she will put everything in one big box
and draw out the registrations to process them.
No need to time your mailing. Everyone has equal
chances at getting their requests if your forms arrive
by September 4!