Sunday, October 30, 2011

Channeling Ruth Rae

On Monday, October 31st and Tuesday, November 1st,
Mom-in-law, Marylin Huskamp, and I will be teaching
two workshops at International Quilt Festival, Houston
by Ruth Rae.

Due to illness, Ruth is unable to attend, so we are
stepping-in to insure that Ruth's techniques can still
be shared with eager students.

The first workshop is an Exploration Into Mixed Media
(#119 in the Class Catalog). We will be altering fabrics
and paper with resin, paint, and pens. Learning to
incorporate machine and hand sewing onto a multi-
surface art quilt. Above is a sample artwork, Marylin
made to show participants.

The second workshop is Velvet and Lace Jewelry
(#232 in the Class Catalog). Using machine stitching,
bead crochet, and wire techniques, we will incorporate
ribbons and fabrics to create a versatile "statement"
jewelry piece. Below is the sample bracelet/necklace
with a display pillow I created to share with students.

There are still spaces available in both classes. If
you are attending Festival, we hope you will consider
joining us.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Snipits and Bits...

This is the Garden Tales page from the latest
Windham Fabrics catalog. I just had to share
with you the INCREDIBLE quilt designed by
Betty New using all of my new fabrics.

I invite you to stop by the Windham Booth #524-529
at International Quilt Houston, Fall Market this
Sunday, October 30th at 3:00 p.m. and check
out these wonderful fabrics in person. I will also
be giving away autographed prints to the first 50
visitors at the Meet and Greet.

See you there!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nifty Gifty!

Thanks to the lovely Lyric Kinard and her outstanding new DVD,
Bead It Like You Mean It, over the last several weeks I have been
having wonderful fun trying out all sorts of nifty beading techniques.

If you remember from this post, I had created a sweet little felt
Blue Jay Pin to wear to International Quilt Houston. Well, I could
not resist but make my co-teacher and fabulous Mother-in-law,
Marylin Huskamp, a matching felt Chickadee Pin. I think she
will be surprised, don't you?

I can not say enough good things about this DVD. Lyric's instructions
are thorough, clear, concise, and easy to follow. Being a complete
novice, I so appreciated the steady, yet relaxed way she presented
the various methods for adding beads to dress up any project.

And just for Red Door Studio Blog Readers, Lyric is offering her DVD
for a very special price. But hurry because this offer only lasts through
Friday, October 28th.

Get your copy of Bead It Like You Mean It, today!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Windham Fabrics Presents... Garden Tales

Dear Friends, there is some BIG NEWS! that
I am over the moon excited to share. A sneak peek
of my Brand New! fabric collection... Garden Tales.

I love! Love! LOVE! these new designs. They are a
perfect blend of nature and vintage with loads of
charm. And the quality of the fabric is SUPERB!

Garden Tales will officially debut this next week
at International Quilt Houston, Fall Market.

I invite you to stop by the Windham Booth #524-529
to say "Hello" on Sunday, October 30th at 3:00 p.m.
and to check out my new collection in person. I will also
be giving away autographed copies of the print, shown
below, to the first 50 visitors at the Meet and Greet.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

In The Studio... Petals

Recent days are the coldest yet of the
Autumn season. Blustery winds rocking
everything about, determined to unhinge
the clinging blossom from the vine and
leaf from it's limb.

Sad, I am to see such beauty swept away.

I did collect several petals from the garden.
Too lovely to simply allow them to be
discarded without a remembrance for
me to gaze upon when the snow flies.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Painted Rose Tutorial

Since Roses have filled my life with such
inspiration lately, I thought it might be
lovely to share a painting tutorial so all
of you, could join in the creative fun.

I snapped this photograph of a flower from
my garden, and printed the image on a sheet
of copy paper.

Flowers are really all about capturing the
shape of a petal and distinguishing one
from another by emphasizing the dark,
shadowy areas and the highlighted areas.

Using an ink pen, I outlined each petal so
I could easily distinguish the shape of the

Using a piece of bleach muslin 200 thread ct.,
I traced the inked outline onto the fabric with
a mechanical pencil and a light box.

Following the basic painting steps in the
Watercolor Effects Tutorial, I broke
the subject down into several main colors
and started by painting those large color
blocks using a dry brush technique.

In this example I had four colors: light pink,
medium/hot pink, red, and medium green

Once the paint was dry, I began layering
other dark and light paint colors to create
the shadows and highlights using a wash

Allowing each wash to dry thoroughly,
I continued adding more layers of paint
until satisfied.

Finally, I cut the painted rose from the
surrounding muslin fabric and collaged
it onto a background of vintage papers.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Years ago, as a new home owner, I had many
a grand scheme and big dream of starting a
garden of my very own. A place filled with all
sorts of flowers growing wild, much like the
beautiful English gardens always shown in
magazines. I envisioned my hard labor being
richly compensated with a parade of continuous
blossoms ready for the picking at a moments

These were the ideals of a novice gardener. As
many of you read this and chuckle a little at
my grandiose plan, I am sure you sympathize
and probably understand all too well, some
similar feelings.

In those beginning months and years of my
garden, I carefully tended and toiled, waiting
patiently for new plants to become strong. I
won some battles with pesky diseases, weather
or wildlife, and others were lost.

Today, I am proud to say that I have a lovely
garden with areas still in the nurturing phase
and others... rewarding me with wonderful
blooms as both decoration and inspiration.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Pulse

Welcome to the 5th edition of The Pulse -- The State of the Art --
a survey in words and pictures of the online artist community. The
Pulse is a collaborative project that aims to introduce you to new
artists, help you get to know familiar faces even more, and allow
you access into the creative hearts and minds of a very talented
crew of individuals. More than 130 artists have answered a series
of questions which make up The Pulse. Their responses will be
presented in a series of online posts which will run every Sunday.

I am honored to be a participate in this endeavor and invite you to
check it out over on Seth Apter's blog, The Altered Page!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Watercolor Effects Tutorial

When I was in art school, I concentrated on creating
with watercolors. The look of watercolors is what
really had me hooked from the very beginning,
building-up layer upon layer of thin paint to achieve
the intense presence of color, yet with that light-as-
feather, ethereal essence.

Acrylic paint was something I did not begin exploring
until I decided to paint on fabric. At the time there
was no way to use watercolor paints to achieve any
sort of color that would last on fabric... so off I went
in a different art medium direction.

Today, acrylics are my paint of choice and I have learned
how to achieve the same watercolor-esque feel that I
love so much. I thought I would share my simple techniques
for creating this watercolor look using acrylics.

Before you begin applying paint, break the subject
down into several main colors. Start by painting those
large color blocks using a dry brush which is a
technique using a paint brush that is relatively
dry and dipped in paint straight from the package
or no water added.

Once dry, select accent colors to use as details. Details
help define and give the subject a three dimensional look.
These details can be achieved using a wash which
is a painting technique where small amounts of water are

In the image above, one drop of water from the paint brush
was added to brown. Two drops of water were added to the
teal blue and four drops of water added to the lime green.

The more water added to paint the more soupy or runny it
will become and the more transparent it will dry.

Once a wash of color is applied and dry, you might
find the results are barely noticeable. In this instance
multiple layers of the paint wash, one on top of another,
help strengthen the intensity of the color.

Always allow each layer of paint to dry before
adding more of the same color wash or perhaps
a new/different color wash.

Because the washes of color are semi-transparent,
this allows multiple layers, even the first dry brushed
color to be seen creating depth and dimension in your

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bead It Like You Mean It! GIVEAWAY

CONGRATULATIONS #18... KATHY! You are the winner.

I have been so excited to share this
latest creative endeavor, which is quickly
turning into a bit of an obsession.

A little over a month ago, fellow artist,
Lyric Kinard, who was voted 2011
Quilt Teacher of the Year, released a
Brand NEW! instructional DVD...
Bead It Like You Mean It!

I was very enthusiastic to participate in
Lyric's blog-roll promotion because I
have long admired beautiful beading
details on fabric, but had never tried
beading anything myself. So, I was
interested and eager to have an
opportunity to explore this medium.

I began by watching the entire DVD
and making a list of supplies I needed.
Once I had everything gathered, I
watched the DVD again, working
along side Lyric on my piece.

I am really proud of the beaded Blue
Jay pin I made. In fact, I am planning
to wear my creation at the upcoming
International Quilt Festival in Houston,
to show off my new skill.

I can not say enough good things about
this DVD. There is no question in my
mind why Lyric received an award for
teaching. Her instructions are thorough,
clear, concise, and easy to follow. Being
a complete novice, I so appreciated the
steady, yet relaxed way she presented
the various methods for adding beads
to dress up any project.

You can purchase your copy... here,
or leave a comment on this post for a
chance to win a copy. (Or, you could do
both, and if you win, give one away as
a gift. It would be a PERFECT stocking
stuffer. I know this will be on Christmas

So, leave a comment by this Friday,
October 14th, 6 am CST, and I will
chose a name at random, sending
the winner Lyric Kinard's NEW!
DVD, Bead it Like You Mean It!

And be sure and check back here on
Friday, to see if you won.

Monday, October 10, 2011

In The Studio...

My garden roses adore the autumn season. The cool and
damp days breathe a second life into every stem as they
continue to burst forth in glorious regalia and splendor,
bloom after incredible bloom!.

Such lush colors and delicate shapes inspire my palette,
my canvas, and my days.

Friday, October 07, 2011

A Pilgrimage

Jenny Doh has a new book coming soon called Creative Pilgrimage.
I am proud to be among the pages and part of an amazing group of
artists featured.

Creative Pilgrimage will officially hit bookstands January 1, 2012.

You are welcome to pre-order it on Amazon.

You are also welcome to pre-order a signed copy
with FREE gift on CRESCENDOh

Here is a sneak peek!...

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

In The Studio...

Playing with more orphan quilt blocks from this
. Creating lovely artworks that marry
nature and repurposed bits of fabric with a history,
a story... so the two combined tell a new tale.